Capturing Camelot Excerpts



The President and First Lady leave the Middleburg Community Center
where Catholics attended Mass in 1962.


From the day the Kennedys moved into the White House,
Mrs. Kennedy, who did not like being called First Lady–
“Sounds like a racehorse,” she once said–laid down the law
to the President and Pierre that the children were off limits
and not to be photographed for anything by anyone at anytime
without her approval.





Caroline holds up a postcard to Maria Shriver, who screamed:
“This is the President.”
Caroline disagreed:
“No. No. That’s my Daddy!”


When Pierre Salinger saw Stanley take the forbidden shot of Caroline,
he barreled across the lawn, yelling at Stanley to stop.
“That’s it.  You’re through for the day.  Out.”
As Stanley retreated, Caroline ran over to ask what happened to their “picture taking.”
Stanley said Mr. Salinger was upset, but if she wouldn’t tell anyone,
he would teach her how to take her own pictures.
Reaching into his camera bag he pulled out a small Brownie loaded with film
and showed her how to use it.






One of the most iconic images taken in the White House
of the President’s son, aged 2 1/2 years old, taken in October 1963.


“Just as soon as Jackie left town I got a call that the coast was clear,”
Stanley recalled, “and I hightailed it to the White House….
When the President saw me, he said, ‘Now you know we better
get this out of the way pretty quick.
Things get kind of sticky when Jackie’s around.'”






Permission for use of photos must be obtained from the Estate of  Stanley Tretick.  For more information:

More about Capturing Camelot here.

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